Thursday, November 26, 2009

How to beat down the crap.

OK, enough of the depression crap, right? Whose tired of hearing about it? Because I'm tired of it too!

So, here's my tip.

Step 1: pick an up beat song, I like Zorba's dance from Zorba the Greek (Best kick yourself in the ass and live lif to the fullest movie EVER). Fun pop songs are also choice.

Step 2: Press play.

Step 3: Arms up! Not just a little, like crazy over your head, I recommend you not lock your elbows.

Step 4: Start to move your shoulders,let your head and upper body move with your shoulders, once you start moving with the rhythm you are ready for step 5.

Step 5: Close your eyes. Please please make sure all furniture and obstacles are out of the way BEFORE you do this, injuries have been known to occur at this point.

At this point you should also be well past euphoria, If not, look in a mirror, because lets be honest, you probably look pretty silly, and if that doesn't make you laugh, then I don't know what will. Maybe start jumping, and bending funny ways.

That's my fun way of dealing with the Devil. Any other suggestions?

Also, listening to Lady Gaga is pretty hilarious, love her, but seriously, what the hell is she talking about?

1 comment:

  1. i was just wondering that myself, the other day, wth is lady gaga talking about? she is badass, and i like this.
